Power Dynamics

Power Dynamics

“Power is always a complicated puzzle.” Lynn Osgood, urban planner
Power is often defined only in negative terms, but it can also be a positive force for individual and collective capacity for change. When considering power M/A partnerships, overarching concerns are:
  • how artists and municipal entities bring their respective power into play in positive, collaborative, and productive ways;
  • how common negative power dynamics can be avoided with forethought or addressed through honest dialogue;
  • how power differentials can be brought into an acceptable balance.

Negotiating the power dynamics of multiple partners and participants can be one of the most challenging aspects of M/A partnerships. Conflicts often arise regarding project ownership, decision-making power and authority, and distribution and control of resources.

Being good partners means striving for conditions in which power is shared, and addressing incidents of imbalance or misuse of power. It means examining situational power, for example that each partner has its own capacity, resources, relationships, or influence in a particular situation to get to the desired result. The questions below should be asked in any M/A partnership.

Power with has to do with finding common ground among different interests and building collective strength. Based on mutual support, solidarity and collaboration, power with multiplies individual talents and knowledge.” Lisa VeneKlasen and Valerie Miller, A New Weave of Power, (Practical Action, 2007)

The questions below should be asked in any M/A partnership.

Convening Power

Q. What is each partner’s unique power to bring people together?

Both artists and municipalities have abilities to draw people into a project. Municipal agencies have official power to convene people and groups, and can provide access to space and communication mechanisms. Artists who are already connected to a specific community can use the power of their insider status, as well as their status of being outside of government, to engage people who may not otherwise participate.

Knowledge Power

Q: What knowledge does each partner have that can inform project strategy and choices?

Artists build knowledge through deep inquiry into an issue, and their research with participants including municipal workers, community members, and stakeholders. They may already have inherent knowledge by virtue of being part of a community, and from their own cultural traditions or heritage.

Municipal agencies create and have access to a huge amount of data, including historical, demographic, economic, and technical that can provide critical context to projects. Veteran municipal workers have a wealth of experience about the idiosyncratic workings of local government and a deep understanding of political relationships.

Community partners and stakeholders, of course, have expert knowledge about their own communities. Partners should recognize, honor, and apply this knowledge in purposeful ways. (For ideas on how to tap into community knowledge, see this resource on Participatory Action Research)


The City of Minneapolis’ Regulatory Services Department partnered with artists Mankwe Ndosi and Reggie Prim on “Hearing Tenant Voices,” which aimed to transform agency culture so that housing inspectors could more equitably interact with and listen to low income tenants. The artists led interactive workshops for department inspectors that used Theater of the Oppressed techniques to promote deep personal reflection and dialogue around power structures and build intercultural competency. They led workshops for tenants to understand the regulatory landscape from their perspective. They also led workshops with inspectors and tenants which revealed the depth of the power imbalance between the two. The partnerships’ goal was to shift inspectors’ awareness around power, equity, and race and change the tenor of their interactions with tenants. At the first stage of the project, staff reported being more comfortable with difficult conversations around race, increased empathy for residents, and an increased willingness to advocate for residents.

Decision-Making Power

Q. Who holds decision-making power within levels of government? How can the artist understand and navigate this hierarchy?

Both artists and municipalities have abilities to draw people into a project. Municipal agencies have official power to convene people and groups, and can provide access to space and communication mechanisms. Artists who are already connected to a specific community can use the power of their insider status, as well as their status of being outside of government, to engage people who may not otherwise participate.

“Partnership means partners are on equal footing. Artists never imagine or see themselves on equal footing because [their partner] is the power structure of the city.” D.A. Bullock, Artist, Creative CityMaking, Minneapolis

Decision-making power is present and interacts at all levels of government, from the mayor or city manager to city council to individual agencies. Where this power is located differs depending on the municipal structure. Mapping lines of authority and influence, chains of command, and governmental power dynamics is no easy task. The burden should not be on the artist to figure out decision-making hierarchies that affect partnership work. The municipal partner should make this transparent, and the municipal liaison should help the artist navigate these power relations.

“We [the artists] both come from organizing, so we’re thinking of who we can influence and engage. But make it transparent...What does the power map of individuals and institutions look like?…What’s the chain of command? Whose boss is whose? Layers of bureaucracy make partnership more complicated. [However] as artists in these spaces, we have a perceived naivete that can be useful: ‘I didn’t know you guys don’t talk to each other.’” Mark Strandquist and Trey Hartt, Performing Statistics, Richmond

Financial Power

Q. Who holds the purse strings for partnership projects?

Most often, the municipality or a third-party partner receives and administers the funding that supports the partnership. Most artists are not set up to receive and manage large sums of money, nor do they necessarily want to. However, who has control of resources may depend on who has secured them.

A third-party partner can assure some measure of financial control for the artist. Public Art Saint Paul is the intermediary for the City Artist program. It secures grants and uses some Percent For Art funds to support project expenses, including compensation for artists who are embedded in City agencies.


Amanda Lovelee, former City Artist, described this structure as having given her autonomy and flexibility in developing projects. The City of Saint Paul does not provide compensation for artists but occasionally covers expenses for projects that dovetail with existing City initiatives.

Municipal partners need to be conscious of and transparent about how fiscal policies and procedures can impact the artist, other community partners and participants, and the project’s potential for impact. Although the artist may not be given full authority over how funds are allocated and used in a project, the partners should develop project budgets together and give artists some flexibility and decision-making power in areas related to their creative and engagement work.

Q. Is the artist expected to raise money for the project?

Municipal government and agencies, artists, and third-party arts organizations will have access to funding streams that the other partner doesn’t. (For more on this, see Funding.) Artists and arts agencies can be effective in identifying and raising funds for municipal projects, however securing funding should not be expected of artists. Artists have limited time and resources to fundraise, while municipal agencies most likely have access to development and other paid staff who can do this work.

Q. How can partners address equity and fairness in the use of funds?

Measures to ensure fair compensation should be built into the project plan so as not to perpetuate harmful patterns of disinvestment or exploitation. Municipalities should consider:

  • Is the artist being compensated at a professional rate commensurate with experience and on par with other skilled contractors?

Both artists and municipal agencies should consider:

  • Are community partners who give their expertise, advice, and hands-on work being compensated?
  • Are community participants who give their time to the project compensated with stipends, meals, or other meaningful manifestations of appreciation?
For more on this, see Budgeting.